The Sunday after

 I sit here today as I try to ponder on the inner workings of my mind on this silent afternoon, the Sunday after my escapades. It is something I often do after a long bout of extroverted-ness, my chronic condition of expanding more energy than I would care to on various musings of life. So much has happened in the past three weeks, but most of it too private to tell-tale on a public blog.  But know this: there's a bitter coffee to my right, just within reach, and then the ever pervasive sound of the ceiling fan running as my mind tries to count its rotations with accuracy. I sit donning a jade shalwar kameez, buttons of the sleeves in place, back straight as it soothes the pain, I am back in the confines of sunny equatorial Lahore, the city of gardens, home to guardrails of the Punjab.  I am reminded, suddenly and somberly of my grandfather, typing as I typed, with both hands on his keyboard, fingers pushing buttons, the learnings of his typewriter days being translated to the memo

Back to Basics

Most mistakes we make in life stem from not giving enough respect to the fundamentals, the basics, the building blocks. 

Very few spend time and effort learning and relearning how the core concepts (of anything, really), while the rest of us rush past in our desire to advance quickly, not knowing that without a massive stroke of luck, the only surefire way to exponential growth is a deep and solidified knowledge of the basics

We must respect the process. Seek continued growth, embrace discomfort and have relentless hunger and desire to improve in all areas of life. Only then can we, can I, be successful. 

- M


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