Inspecting hard-to-get elements in the DOM

Today I learned how to inspect hard-to-get elements in the DOM, you know, the ones that you open but close as soon as you try to inspect them. I used a simple CSS trick in the console So what you basically do is that you go into the console, you set a delay timer and then run the debugger. Before the debugger starts you open the elements that e.g in my case it was a dropdown and then you wait for the debugger to pause your screen The command is  setTimeout(() => {debugger;},3000) Whats happening here? We are essentially  A. running the debugger   B. Adding a wait timer before the debugger is launched, in this case of 3 seconds Step 1. run command in console  Step 2. open the view you want  Step 3. wait for DOM to freeze and then inspect elements accordingly  This just freezes the DOM essentially, it currently works for Chrome, it should also work on other browsers #SWE #FE 

The nights the trees whistled

About 10 years ago, I knocked on a door, but not before forcing a smile. It opened and I looked down to see a little girl with jet black hair, no more than 4 standing in the doorway just staring at me. Before I could say a word, she started speaking in fluent Punjabi, asking why I was there; was I there to give her Pizza? She had been waiting for her Pizza.

I instinctively started laughing, something I had been having trouble doing for a while 

My laughter triggered quick footsteps from within the house and a middle-aged gentleman came to the door. After glaring at the child he spoke to me in English, we exchanged the Pizza and the money. And as I turned to leave, the child pointed at me and said "Punjabi"

The gentleman looked at her and me and then asked me, in Punjabi, if I was Punjabi. I laughed and said I was, but not from where he was thinking. We ended up standing in the doorway for the next ten minutes, exchanging stories of hot summers and ceiling fans of unkempt gardens and the noise a Rickshaw makes, speaking candidly like we knew each other for years. 

He invited me in for tea, I declined saying I had to complete my shift. So instead he gave me some words of encouragement, told me he knew what it was like and he knew my parents would be proud if they could see how hard I was working 

I hadnt said a word about my troubles, maybe he could just see it on my face. I said nothing, thanked him and left

The trees were whistling around me, and it was chilly, but I walked away from that conversation feeling much warmer on the inside. I had needed that, Im sure even that man didn't understand how much it meant to me at the time because every now and then I think of that night and the kindness of a stranger

Be considerate to everyone around you, people remember how you make them feel, a random conversation you have with a stranger might be something they remember even decades later


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