Inspecting hard-to-get elements in the DOM

Today I learned how to inspect hard-to-get elements in the DOM, you know, the ones that you open but close as soon as you try to inspect them. I used a simple CSS trick in the console So what you basically do is that you go into the console, you set a delay timer and then run the debugger. Before the debugger starts you open the elements that e.g in my case it was a dropdown and then you wait for the debugger to pause your screen The command is  setTimeout(() => {debugger;},3000) Whats happening here? We are essentially  A. running the debugger   B. Adding a wait timer before the debugger is launched, in this case of 3 seconds Step 1. run command in console  Step 2. open the view you want  Step 3. wait for DOM to freeze and then inspect elements accordingly  This just freezes the DOM essentially, it currently works for Chrome, it should also work on other browsers #SWE #FE 

Are traditional business worth starting?

When you think about spending your free time, how do you imagine it? 

A movie with your S/O, a night out with your friends or maybe a get together with your close family. For most of us, the above listed things are pretty normal, but for someone that wants to achieve a lot in life (for whatever reason), the above is a luxury they cannot afford untill a certain milestone has been reached. 

Admittedly, what I wrote above is cliche and may already have been proven to be a negative consequence of the "hustle culture" which is being perpepuated in our society presently, yet it holds true for the ultra-achievers: the tech bosses, the giants of commerce and trade, the gatekeepers of the world's data and future colonizers of mars. 

Taking one look at the most prominent names in the world in terms of net worth, and we see a pattern: tech giants have come to dominate the globe in terms of business. This is mainly due to the fact that most of their "raw material" is dependent upon their own selves. Save the silicon chip industry which runs most gadgets on the market, software companies and social media giants basically make their assets out of thin air. Its magic. This is the closest humans will get to defying the logical nature of the cosmos; the fact that matter changes from one from to another and cannot be destoryed. (Though one may definitely argue that because brainpower is required to make such tech, that is matter being used, but then a counter argument would be that conciousness and subsequently mental ability as it cannot be quantified does not constitute/represent any monetary value, which is the basis of raw material transaction in the global market. The closest we can get to quantifiying intelligence is the payscale of professionals, but we all know that a footballer is not smarter than a PHD in mollecular biology, and one definitely out earns the other. And so, I guess even that theory falls through) 

Coming back to my main point, if you want to invest your time, money, energy and mental aptitude into developing something that you will maybe work on untill your final few steps on this soil, then shouldn't it be in a domain that is bound to iterate and move forward, given that you already see that tech has been exponentially more rewarding to the people that have pursued it? 

That is the question for tonight. Im still thinking over it. And ill let you do the same. 

- M


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