Inspecting hard-to-get elements in the DOM

Today I learned how to inspect hard-to-get elements in the DOM, you know, the ones that you open but close as soon as you try to inspect them. I used a simple CSS trick in the console So what you basically do is that you go into the console, you set a delay timer and then run the debugger. Before the debugger starts you open the elements that e.g in my case it was a dropdown and then you wait for the debugger to pause your screen The command is  setTimeout(() => {debugger;},3000) Whats happening here? We are essentially  A. running the debugger   B. Adding a wait timer before the debugger is launched, in this case of 3 seconds Step 1. run command in console  Step 2. open the view you want  Step 3. wait for DOM to freeze and then inspect elements accordingly  This just freezes the DOM essentially, it currently works for Chrome, it should also work on other browsers #SWE #FE 

Starting with Zero

One impactful life lesson I've learned over the course of my short practical life, is that having a skill set is of the utmost importance. A lot of people tend to overlook that, specially in Pakistan, where the predominant culture of "One head feeds the entire family" still reigns to this day. 

But first lets talk about why having a skill set is important: 

1. You become less replaceable
2. If you've spent enough time, chances are there are only a handful of people that can do what you do 
3. You can teach that skill to others as well so that you can earn money off of them 

From the top of my head these are the things that I can think about.

I have currently decided to launch an apparel brand, and will most likely make it a long term project that I will take side by side.

My current aims are to learn about running an apparel business and the processes involved in building, sustaining and growing a brand. Ill keep you all posted 

- M 


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